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Q. When did you first learn you had dyslexia? If you remember, how did you react?
A. I freaked out and my confidence level went down. 

Q. How do you personally define dyslexia?
A. It is a learning disability where students have trouble with spelling. 

Q. What are some misconceptions people have about dyslexia?
A. That we can't read or spell and maybe are stupid. 

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics dyslexia gives you?
A. I am more creative. 

Q. What are some things your dyslexia makes hard for you?
A. I have trouble spelling and copying off the board 

Q. How does dyslexia negatively effect you in a classroom setting? What about any other setting?
A. It's hard to keep up with the teacher if they are going to fast. 

Q. What kind of accommodations do you use in class and how do they help you maximize your learning?
A. I use spell check on my computer and I also ask the teacher to spell out the words. 

Q. Have the majority of your teachers been good at making sure you get your accommodations?
A. Yes 

Q. Has there been a time where someone such as a teacher or another student has disputed your accommodations?
A. No not that I have encountered. 

Q. What strategies or assistance have you taken advantage of in combating the negative aspects of your learning differences?
A. I use a computer whenever I can. 

Q. Are you proud to have dyslexia? Why or why not?
A. Yes because I think it makes me who I am. 

Q. What kind of technology helps you combat your dyslexia?
A. A computer and an iPod. 

Q. If you had the ability to get rid of your dyslexia would you? Why or why not?
A. No, because the world would be a boring place. 

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