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Meet Catherine! -15


Q. When did you first learn you had ADHD? if you remember how did you react? 

A. I first learned I had ADHD in third grade. It didn't really shock me or have too big an effect on how I thought about myself or how others treated me. It was just harder for me to focus and stay still and I think that the diagnoses helped me understand why I was that way, but other than that it didn't really effect me.

Q. How do you personally define ADHD? 

A. I define it as it being harder for you to focus or stay still for long amounts of time. It also means an excess of energy and the need to be moving all the time.

Q​. Are you proud to have ADHD? 

A. Yes 

Q. How do you think people without ADHD define it?

A. Probably as a disorder. My friends don't think it's that big of a deal though, they're just like "oh, she has ADHD whatever it doesn't matter." So I guess they just see it as it being harder for me to focus.

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics ADHD gives you? 

A. I can hyper focus and its easier for me to start things rather than leave them for later. It also helps with athletics. It keeps me in shape because I love to work out and it's hard for me to stay still.

Q. How does ADHD affect you in school? 

A. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate in class but most of the time I'm fine due to my meds. 

Q. What are some of the strategies you use to stay focused in school, on homework, in social settings? 

A. Working out before homework. Being active helps me focus.

Q. What advice do you have for people who have just found out they have ADHD? 

A. It's not that big of a deal. There are ways you can combat it and it shouldn't freak you out. Exercise a bit before homework and if you can, in the morning. This helps with focus. Remember that its a very minor thing and you can overcome the challenges it presents for you.

Q. If you had the ability to get rid of your ADHD would you? 

A.  No. Im fine. I don't feel the need to get rid of something that isn't harming me. And it's not like I have anything to compare to. This is just how I've always been.

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