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Meet Matt

​Q. When did you first learn you had ADHD? How did you react? 

A. I was probably about 10 years old.  When I was told that I was ADHD, it really explained a lot, in class behavior and outside of school. 

Q. How do you personally define ADHD? 

A. Being impulsive, hyper and may need more time, but yet fun and creative. 

Q. Are you proud to have ADHD? 

A. Yes 

Q. How do you think people without ADHD define it? 

A. Hyper and can't sit still. A bit slower. 

Q. Do you think people without ADHD look at it as a negative or positive? 

A. Some people may think of ADHD in a negative way saying that we're slower and need too much help. Others though will think of it in a positive way because even though one may need more time or help, you can be creative and fun loving to be with. 

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics ADHD gives you? 

A. Creative, funny, ENERGY, will, kindness 

Q. Has there ever been a time where someone has misunderstood your learning difference? How so? 

A. Yes, before I went to a private elementary in 4th grade, I used to get in trouble a lot. I would continue to talk in class and not focus on the teacher. The teachers didn't seem to understand that and that is why I transferred schools where the teachers knew what was going on. 

Q. What kind of accommodations do you use in class? 

A. I use extra time on tests, the resource center, typing in class essays, and extra help with tutors. I also receive more time with tests if I do not finish them in time.

Q. How do you advocate for your accommodations? 

A. I will go to a teacher before  an essay test and say that I am going to type it. They usually know most of the time that those who have accommodations will go and use them. 

Q. How does ADHD affect you in school. 

A. I can't sit still easily. I talk from time to time and sometimes get in some trouble.

Q. How does ADHD affect you socially?

A. Sometimes I am full of energy and get a bit hyper. Also I am impulsive and sometimes do things without thinking, nothing super extreme or illegal though. 

Q. What are some of the strategies you use to stay focused in school, on homework, in social settings. 

A. I focus on the teachers and not think about distracting things. I also use computers, iPad, iPhones, ect. 

Q. What advice do you have for people who have just found out they have ADHD? 

A. Be Yourself and don't let others take you down. You are great in your own way. Also, do your best to stay focused! 

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