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Q. What is your favorite song? 

A. Hmmm, favorite song right now is probably "From Ritz to Rubble" by the arctic monkeys.

Q. What is your favorite jelly bean flavor? 

A. My favorite jelly bean flavor is a three way tie between water melon, juicy pear, and Tutti fruity.

Q. If you could travel anywhere where would it be? 

A. If I could go to one country I would probably go to Nepal or Spain.

Q. Do you have any secret talents? 

A. As far as hidden talents go, I make a pretty delicious merengue.

Q. Are you proud to have ADHD? 

A. Yes

Q. When did you first learn you had ADHD? How did you react? 

A. I was in 5th grade when I found out, and at first I didn't really think much of it, I thought it was interesting, but beyond that I was pretty neutral about it.

Q. How do you personally define ADHD? 

A. I think that ADHD is something that's really hard to describe because it isn't something that really brings up any specific words. It's more of a feeling that you have. It's trying to collect your thoughts and fidgeting with your feet. Trying desperately to focus on one thing, but having the smallest things distract you. It's something that you feel inside of you and it's incredibly frustrating. 

Q. How do you think people without ADHD define it?  

A. I thing a lot of people mistake it as an excuse. That it's just being hyper or having a lot of extra energy or lack of self control.

Q. Do you think that people with ADHD look at it as a negative or a positive?

A. I really think that everyone sees it differently. I think a lot of people see it as negative just because they think it's just an excuse or made up, but I think that at the same time, some people think it's good especially when hiring for jobs that require a lot of energy, at least that's what someone told me. 

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics ADHD gives you? 

A. It's given me a lot more self-discipline and respect towards myself. I definitely think that I've become stronger and more determined though it just because of how frustrating it can be at times. 

Q. Has there ever been a time where someone has misunderstood your learning difference? 

A. Well of course there will always people who don't understand. Mainly just rolling their eyes or scoffing, or treating me like I am broken or can't function correctly. 

Q. How does ADHD affect you in school? 

A. It makes it harder to focus and stay on task. It's like someone always sitting in your head trying to talk to you or show you something else or make you mentally skip class.

Q. What are some of the strategies you use to stay focused in school, on homework, and in social settings.

A. I take deep breaths if I ever get too stressed and I listen to music a lot. Sometimes I keep a stress ball with me in case I start to fidget. 

Q. What advice do you have for people who have just found out they have ADHD? 

A. Just keep moving forward as if you never knew. You can't be defined by a learning difference and you can't be held back by it unless you let yourself be caught up in it.

Q. Why should people be proud to have ADHD? 

A. Because it makes you an individual and it makes you work harder for the good grades that you deserve. 

Q. If you had the ability to get rid of your ADHD would you? Why or why not? 

A. Never, I think that it makes me more creative and has pushed me to do so much musically. 

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