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Meet Elizabeth - 19

Q. Describe yourself in three words? 

A. Fiesty, compassionate, curious

Q. What is your favorite subject? 

A. psychology/anthropology

Q. What type of music do you like? 

A. All music mostly; basically indie

Q. When did you first learn you had ADHD? If you remember how did you react?

A. I was diagnosed in 3rd grade and it changed my life. My dad also had ADHD and from that second on, my family was considered second class citizens in my family's eyes because we had disabilities, poor executive function, and a less developed frontal lobe. In school nothing changed, I was still struggling as much as ever...and with diagnosis, the agony of medication experimentation began. My mom believes that if I was simply unmedicated I couldn't possibly function. I developed many self esteem and self worth issues after this. ADHD to me didn't seem like a big deal but I thought the world hated it. 

Q. Are you proud to have ADHD? 

A. Yes 

Q. How do you personally define ADHD? 

A. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder, basically an inability to multitask on many different tasks at once. Like my friend put it nicely the world accepts farmers. These farmers till the seed and reap the eventual reward and us with ADHD are the hungers , surging with energy focused on one goal and charging and conquering but since we're unable to farm, our kill is completely disregarded. I don't know if that makes much sense. I guess it's just being more outside the box and scattered then most on a more constant basis. 

Q. How do you think people without ADHD define it? 

A. A-D-H.....-SHINEY! 

Q. Do ou think that people without ADHD look at it as a negative or positive? 

A. Negative 

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics ADHD gives you? 

A. I'm super creative! I have lots of energy and can apply myself in ways others can't imagine. I'm great at focusing on one task intensely. 

Q. Has there ever been a time where someone has misunderstood your learning differences? How so? 

A. Very often. College professors just don't get that I need help because they didn't get any in college. 

Q. What kind of accommodations do you use in class and how do they help you? 

A. I use extended time and I get to take my tests in a separate room. They allow me to focus better on my tests. 

Q. How do you advocate for your accommodations? 

A. I go to office hours and make sure  schedule an appointment to address my needs. 

Q. How does ADHD affect you in school? 

A. It's harder to pay attention to the actual teacher and lecture. 

Q. How does ADHD affect you socially? 

A. I'm a social butterfly!!!!! 

Q. What are some of the strategies you use to stay focused in school, on homework, in social settings? 

A. I imagine a ball above my head and the deeper I breath the more aligned it gets and the calmer it gets. When it stops moving I am able to focus. 

Q. What advice do you have for people who have just found out about their ADHD? 

A. Enjoy :)! patience is needed. Empathy for others is also needed! 

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