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Q. When did you first learn you had dyslexia? If you remember, how did you react? 

A. In third grade. I remember not knowing the full extent of it's effect until sixth grade. 

Q. How do you personally define dyslexia? 

A. To me it's something inside me that makes it hard to learn or retain certain aspects of the twenty first century, modern class room. 

Q. What are some misconceptions people have about dyslexia? 

A. People think that we are dumb, think slower, can't handle advanced classes, will fail their classes, and are somehow less than other students. 

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics dyslexia gives you? 

A. - thinking differently

-finding new ways to jump academic barriers

- I work harder then the average non LD student. 

Q. What are some things your dyslexia makes hard for you? 

A. - Spelling 

- Math, 

- Grammar 

- Not taking (handwritten) 

- Messy hand writing 

- Cursive 

Q. How does dyslexia negatively effect you in a classroom setting? What about any other setting? 

A. It makes it harder to follow notes on board in the teachers hand writing. I can't read cursive or foreign grammar which is why I was kicked out of Spanish 2. 

Q. What kind of accommodations do you use in class and how do they help you maximize your learning?

A. I use extra time, more space, and typing (even that is hard for me, I can't type brilliantly). 

Q. Have the majority of your teachers been good at making sure you get your accommodations? 

A. Yes and no 

Q. Has there been a time where someone such as a teacher or another student has disputed your accommodations? 

A. Nope! 

Q. What strategies or assistance have you taken advantage of in combating the negative aspects of your learning differences? 

A. Tutoring, listening to books, and typing. 

Q. Are you proud to have dyslexia? Why or why not? 

A. Yes, because I know there are others like me. 

Q. What kind of technology helps you combat your dyslexia? 

A. I use my iPad notes, simple straight forward, right to the worksheets and books. 

Q. If you had the ability to get rid of your dyslexia would you? Why or why not? 

A. No of course not! 

Meet Oscar 

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