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Q. When did you first learn you had ADHD? If you remember, how did you react to finding out about your ADHD? 

A. When I was in 5 or 6th grade the school district told my mom they had to meet with her and go over a form saying I had special needs. I didnt know what it meant or what I had and my mom thought it was an excuse. 

Q. How do you personally define ADHD? 

A. I define it as my personality. Who I am. I'm alot different with the meds and without the meds. Without the meds I feel myself and happy. With them I'm quiet and everyone always asks me what's wrong. My ADHD is my personality. 

Q. Are you proud to have ADHD? 

A. Yes 

Q. How do you think people without ADHD define it?

A. They think that I'm a slacker and lazy and stupid and use it as an excuse that buys me more time on tests or work.

Q. Do you think that people without ADHD look at it as a negative or positive? 

A. Negative. 

Q. What are some of the positive characteristics ADHD give you? 

A. I need to try harder. 

Q. Has there ever been a time where someone has misunderstood your learning difference? and how so?

A. My mom says its no excuse for not getting my work done or done early. People think I'm a bad student.

Q. What kind of accommodations do you use in class?

A. Extra time on finals

Q. How do your accommodations help you? 

A. I get the extra time and a smaller number of people where I'm taking the finals. It lets me focus better. 

Q. Have the majority of your teachers been good at making sure you get your accommodations? 

A. No 

Q. How do you advocate for your accommodations? 

A. I don't unless its finals. 

Q. How does ADHD affect you in school? 

A. I know I can get better grades but I just don't. 

Q. How does ADHD affect you socially? 

A. I'm happy, I'm friendly, I'm social, I'm nice, I'm funny, and laughing all the time. 

Q. What advice do you have for people who have just found out they have ADHD? 

A. Just sit down and think to yourself: I can get an A. I just have to sit down and do the work then I can go do whatever I want. 

Q. Why should people be proud to have ADHD? 

A. It makes it so you realize when you get an A that you overcame your situation. 

Q. If you had the ability to get rid of your ADHD would you? Why or why not? 

A. Yes, because I know I'd get better grades.

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